First Christian Church of Claremore (Disciples of Christ)

A Year Later...

Happy Anniversary, Beloveds!

One year ago, on February 1, I began serving with you all as your solo pastor. Can you believe it?

We've experienced quite a bit together already as a faith community, my family and I have experienced quite a bit together, and even one of my ankles and my immune system have been through some things. The standard advice, which is good advice, is for new ministers to not try anything new for the the first year and to use that as time to learn about members and the church; I can't say we haven't tried anything new, but I can share that my main goal during our first year together was to learn about you as individuals and as a faith community. Thank you to those who have allowed me into your lives and for those who have helped me learn more about First Christian Church of Claremore.

As I continue to discern my sense of vocation and ministry through spiritual practices, discussions with mentors and friends, and continuing education, I invite you - all of you - to seriously engage in the task of discerning the ministry of First Christian Church of Claremore as we begin our second year together. Learning, collaboration, and engagement within the congregation is needed in order for the church's ministry to be sustainable, meaningful, and transformative; it cannot be something just a few people or I decide upon. Those of you who expressed interest in learning about the mission of the church and who expressed interest in connecting with the community will be contacted later this month about learning and discernment opportunities, and others are welcome to join. Our updated constitution and bylaws will allow for flexibility for us to play and experiment with how we do church together, and the lessons we learn can be applied to future updates. This work takes time and thoughtfulness.

I'm grateful to work with Sean within his role as Worship Director. Our goal for this year is to develop ways to work with seasonal worship teams, and we are continuing to consider ways in which our services can be accessible and engaging for worshipers of all ages. We are developing ways to ensure volunteers do not burn out and have opportunities to be restored. We are looking for music and resources that help us share the good news the Disciples of Christ tradition can offer. All of these explorations and efforts also take time, and I am very fortunate that Sean is such a patient, wise, and supportive colleague in these pursuits.

There are many ways to stay informed regarding what is happening within the church: bulletin boards in the building, information shared during service, Facebook, and church emails. If you have questions or want to learn more about what is shared, please be in touch.

If you are someone who visits us online and would like to learn more about our congregation or if you would like to schedule a time to meet with me in person, via Zoom, or by phone, please email me: I understand that coming to church, either for the first time or trying a new church experience after a particularly painful one, is not always easy and would be honored to hold your questions, concerns, and experiences with you with no expectation other than to be a source of support and care.

It seems fitting to close with the benediction I often use, from Numbers 6: 24-16:
“May the LORD bless you and keep you!
May the LORD’s face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.
May the LORD look kindly upon you, and give you peace.”

With You on the Journey,

Rev. Alexis


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