First Christian Church of Claremore (Disciples of Christ)

Chairperson's Corner

The Renovation Task Force has been busy making final arrangements for the installation of the wood flooring. Tava has been working closely with Empire Flooring. Work will begin in early October; we will be having worship in our parking lot on October 9th and 16th. I am hoping for a nice warm day with a slight breeze for outside Sunday morning worship.

October 8th is our designated day for our field trip to the First American Museum. Approximately fifteen members have signed the register. We will be accompanied by First Christian Church, Langley. Rev. Jackson indicated he has 8 or 10 disciples who wish to join us. We are going to meet outside the church at 8:30 a.m. for brief worship and prayer. We plan to depart at 9 a.m. and return around 5 p.m.

The OBI blood drive is Sunday, October 9th from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. See Katy to sign-up.

Our stewardship campaign will be led by Larry M. this year. Members should begin thinking of a tithing commitment to determine a 2023 church budget.

A nominating committee chairperson is needed for next month. We will need nominations for Vice-Chairperson Elect and Secretary Elect.

See You in Church,

Trudy Hedgpath

Board Chairperson

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