First Christian Church of Claremore (Disciples of Christ)

Pride Preparations

Last year's Pride experience was so special that we are excited to represent God's love and care again on Saturday, June 24. We learned a few things from our first experience and know that the following would be very helpful as we prepare:

-so much water

- a lot of ice

-volunteers at our booth (please only volunteer if you are able to safely be outside during what might be a very hot day and can walk from your car to where our booth will be)

-funds for invitations and gifts

-funds for food to nourish our volunteers

If you would like to help in any of the above ways, please contact Rev. Alexis:

If you have questions regarding how Pride started, why we are participating in it, and what the bible does and doesn't say about sexuality, please reach out to Rev. Alexis as well.

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