First Christian Church of Claremore (Disciples of Christ)

Vision Summit

Exciting things are continuing to bloom at First Christian Church of Claremore, and you are invited and encouraged to participate in an experience that will take our preliminary mission work to the next level. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for a Vision Summit on Saturday, April 22 from 8 AM - 3 PM.

The Vision Summit will lead to the creation of the church's mission along with the following:

- creation of Strategic Intentions to create actionable steps to realize congregational goals

- identification of timelines and initial steps for Strategic Intentions with Success Benchmarks

Rev. Dave Matherly, an ordained Disciples of Christ minister with training and experience in guiding congregations and organization through this type of experience, will facilitate our time together and will utilize the results of the surveys people have completed along with the information gathered during the Pizza and Possibilities evening. The board voted to approve this time with Rev. Matherly, and his resume can be shared with you upon request.

More information regarding this event will come, but, for now, please do make note of the date and time and join us. The church has the opportunity to discern how we can be God's work in the community, and your thoughtful participation will be an important part of that discernment process.

Please let me know if you have questions. RSVP's are needed by April 16.

With You on the Journey,

Rev. Alexis

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