Our stewardship campaign will be underway this month. The theme is “Together with Joy.” Giving Sunday is set for November 20. You will be given a pledge card to fill out. This helps the stewardship committee and Finance and Trust determine our budget for next year. Please prayerfully consider your tithing for next year. We will be voting to approve the 2023 proposed budget and slate of officers, elders, and deacons at a congregational meeting in December.
The Renovation Task Force has seen their dreams come true. The wood flooring has been completed and the individual chairs are being shipped. The Salvation Army bell ringing for FCC Claremore is Monday, December 5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Claremore Reasor’s. Katy needs six bell ringers.
Eight Claremore disciples and one guest traveled to the First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City last month. We were joined with nine disciples from the FCC Langley group and Dr. Lisa Barnett from Phillips. We enjoyed lunch, fellowship and touring the museum together.
We realize that church is not going back to the way it used to be. We have a new pastor, we are in a new place, we are experiencing new things and we are reconnecting. We are finding a new mission - that small piece of God’s will that is ours to do. We will be writing new bylaws to shape the future of our church. We are researching two kinds of power: Governance, which is the board, and Ministry, which is the work of paid staff and volunteers. The Board, in partnership with the Pastor, produces plans and policies. The Board is accountable to the congregation. The Pastor, as head of staff, produces ministry results. The Pastor is accountable to the Board. Leaders are skillful at delegating authority, giving guidance, and holding others accountable. Committees help the board to govern. Teams help the Pastor to produce ministry results. See you in Church,
Trudy Hedgpath
Board Chairperson
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